Motility-Regulation and Self-Organization in Active Matter by Julien Tailleur

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Hydrodynamics Courses Non-equilibrium systems Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of active matter and self-organization in this comprehensive lecture from the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into non-equilibrium physics, examining run-and-tumble bacteria, self-propelled colloids, and motility control as a self-organization principle. Investigate position-dependent self-propulsion, quorum-sensing interactions, and light-controlled active colloids. Analyze the hydrodynamics of equilibrium phase separation and quorum-sensing active particles through exactly solvable cases. Discover motility-induced pattern formation in bacterial colonies, including multi-component systems, and learn about experimental results and macroscopic dynamics. Gain insights into the origin of patterns, overall dynamics, and N-species motility-induced pattern formation in this in-depth exploration of active matter physics.


Motility-regulation and self-organization in Active Matter Remote talk
Non-equilibrium physics is like non-elephant biology
Run-and-tumble bacteria [Berg & Brown, Nature, 1972]
Self-propelled colloids
Self-organization in & out of equilibrium
Motility-control as a self-organization principle
Position-dependent self-propulsion speed vr
Position-dependent self-propulsion speed "r
Experiments with bacteria
Interactions: Quorum-Sensing
Light-controlled active colloids Volpe et al Soft Mat 201 1|
Destabilizing feedback loop
Hydrodynamics of Equilibrium Phase-Separation
Hydrodynamics of Quorum-sensing active particles
An exactly solvable case
Phase equilibrium
MIPS from repulsive forces
Be wise, discretize
An exactly solvable case
Pressure-driven instability
Pairwise forces-Summary
Back to bacteria: Motility-Induced Pattern Formation MIPF
Interplay between density and mobility: Quorum-sensing interactions
Pattern formation in bacterial colonies: a simple mechanism
Birth & death vs phase separation
Mathematically: linear stability analysis
Selection of a lengthscale
Multi-component bacterial colonies with J. Huang, HKU
Experimental results [N. Zhou, Y. Zhao, A. Daerr]
Macroscopic dynamics Agnese Curatolo
The origin of the patterns
Overall dynamics
N-species MIPF

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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