Sequencing Influenza, CRISPR Diagnostics, and an Increase in Tick and Mosquito-Born Disease
Offered By: American Society for Microbiology via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the latest developments in microbiology in this 35-minute video from the American Society for Microbiology. Delve into crucial topics including the sequencing of influenza, advancements in CRISPR diagnostics, and the concerning rise in tick and mosquito-borne diseases. Learn about groundbreaking research on direct RNA sequencing of the complete influenza A virus genome and its potential implications. Examine new findings on how gut microbiota utilize immunoglobulin A for mucosal colonization, and the effects of IgA deficiency on microbial ecology. Gain insights into the development of ultra-safe cells resistant to natural viruses as part of the GP-write project. Stay informed about cutting-edge microbiology research and its real-world applications through this comprehensive overview of recent scientific articles, press releases, and media coverage.
Vital Signs Trends
CRISPR Diagnostics
Field Deployable Viral Diagnostics
CRISPR Trans Reporter Detector
Sherlock v2
Media coverage
Direct RNA sequencing
Influenza A virus
Nature commentary
Genome Project Right
IgA and the microbiome
IgA and mucosal colonization
Human IgA deficiency
Taught by
American Society for Microbiology
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