Boundary Modes in Fracton Models - Workshop on Strong Electron Correlations

Offered By: ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube


Quantum Materials Courses Effective Field Theory Courses Anyons Courses

Course Description


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Explore boundary modes in fracton models through this 39-minute conference talk from the Workshop on Strong Electron Correlations in Quantum Materials. Delve into gapped edges of topological phases, Z2 topological order, and fracton "topological" order. Examine bulk properties, single defects, and the Chamon model with a boundary. Investigate effective field theory, boundary conditions, and methods to gap out boundary modes. Analyze correlations at weak coupling fixed points and the strong coupling regime. Gain insights into quantum materials, inhomogeneities, frustration, and topology from speaker Rodrigo Pereira of IIP & UFRN, Brazil.


My story with Eduardo #TBT
Gapped edges of topological phases
Example: Z2 topological order
Anyons in the Z2 spin liquid
Two types of gapped edges
Fracton "topological" order
Bulk properties
Single defects
Chamon model with a boundary
Boundary processes
Effective field theory in the bulk
Boundary theory
Symmetries and charged operators
Boundary condition
How to gap out the boundary modes?
Correlations at weak coupling fixed point
Strong coupling regime

Taught by


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