Effective Field Theory

Offered By: Massachusetts Institute of Technology via MIT OpenCourseWare


Physics Courses Quantum Mechanics Courses Effective Field Theory Courses Theoretical Physics Courses Soft-Collinear Effective Theory Courses

Course Description


Effective field theory is a fundamental framework to describe physical systems with quantum field theory. Part I of this course covers common tools used in effective theories. Part II is an in depth study of the Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET), an effective theory for hard interactions in collider physics.


1. Introduction to Effective Field Theory (EFT).
2. Dimensional Power Counting.
3. Field Redefinitions.
4. Matching and Decoupling.
5. Classic Operator Renormalization Group Equations (RGE).
6. Chiral Lagrangians.
7. Chiral Loops.
8. Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET).
9. HQET Matching & Power Corrections.
10. HQET Examples.
11. Renormalons.
12. More Renormalons.
13. EFT with Fine Tuning.
14. EFT with Fine Tuning Part 2.
15. Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) Introduction.
16. SCET Collinear Wilson Lines.
17. SCET Multipole Expansion.
18. SCET Beyond Tree Level.
19. SCET Beyond Tree Level 2.
20. SCET Wilson Coefficients.
21. SCET Sudakov Logarithms.
22. SCET for DIS.
23. SCET for Dijets.
25. SCET_2 Rapidity RGE.
26. SCET for LHC.

Taught by

Prof. Iain Stewart


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