Rhapsody in Zero Knowledge - Proving Without Revealing

Offered By: Strange Loop Conference via YouTube


Strange Loop Conference Courses Zero-Knowledge Proofs Courses Interactive Proof Systems Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of zero knowledge proofs in this 38-minute conference talk from Strange Loop. Delve into the concept of proving something without revealing the underlying information, a powerful idea with far-reaching implications for privacy and security. Learn how this decades-old solution addresses modern challenges in machine learning and fraud detection without compromising personal data. Discover the potential of constraints, complexity, and universal verifiable computation in creating secure systems that don't sacrifice privacy. Follow along as the speaker, Tony Arcieri, guides you through topics such as probabilistic encryption, interactive and non-interactive proof systems, ZCash, recursive proofs, Bullet and range proofs, ZK Starks, and ZK C. No prior knowledge of cryptography or proof systems is required to grasp these groundbreaking concepts that could reshape our approach to data security and privacy.


Probabilistic Encryption
Interactive Proof Systems
NonInteractive Proof Systems
A recursive proof
Bullet and range proofs
ZK Starks

Taught by

Strange Loop Conference


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