Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers
Offered By: Simons Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a comprehensive lecture on transparent SNARKs derived from DARK compilers, delivered by Benedikt Bünz from Stanford University. Delve into the intricacies of probabilistically checkable and interactive proof systems, covering topics such as efficiency, security, polynomial IOPs, and cryptographic compilation. Learn about recent comparisons, interactive oracle proofs, and polynomial IOP compilation, including discussions on Sonic, Supersonic, and new polynomial commitment schemes. Examine concepts like integer encoding, Diophantine arguments of knowledge, and proof of exponentiation, while also exploring optimizations in class groups.
Summary of results
Efficiency: Succinctness
Security: Binding / Knowledge
Why? To make Riad happy!
Why? To build SNARKS...
with transparent setup...
from polynomial IOPs
Recent Comparison
Yuval's talk: Cryptographic compilation
Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovksy '07 Cryptographic compiler. Linear homomorphic encryption
R1CS Preprocessing SNARK
Interactive Oracle Proofs
IOPs Efficiency
STARK, Aurora
Interactive linear PCPs?
Polynomial IOP Compilation
Sonic: Polynomial IOP for NP
Sonic: Uniform Circuits
Spartan / Clover / BFL
New Polynomial Commitment
Integer Encoding
Diophatine gument of nowledge
Proof of Exponentiation (Wes'18)
Class Groups BW88,L12
Taught by
Simons Institute
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