Let's Standardize Rails, Once and For All!
Offered By: Ruby Central via YouTube
Course Description
Participate in a town hall-style conference talk at RailsConf 2023 focused on standardizing Rails conventions through the creation of a "standard-rails" gem based on rubocop-rails. Learn about the success of the "standard" gem for Ruby and its impact on reducing syntax debates among developers. Engage in a community-driven process to review and vote on rubocop-rails rules, contributing to the establishment of consensus-based conventions for safe and consistent Rails code. Gain insights into the importance of standardization in promoting developer focus and productivity. Join speakers Justin Searls and Meagan Waller in this 47-minute session as they lead the Rails community in shaping the future of code consistency and best practices for Rails developers worldwide.
RailsConf 2023 - Let's Standardize Rails, Once and For All! by Justin Searls, Meagan Waller
Taught by
Ruby Central
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