On-Demand | Lethal Means Counseling: Collaboration at the Patient- and Community-Level
Offered By: Brown University via Independent
Course Description
After participating in this activity, the learner should be better able to:
- Describe why "means matter" when it comes to suicide - especially firearms
- Prepare to talk more comfortably, collaboratively, and helpfully with patients at risk for suicide who have guns at home about out-of-home and in-home storage options to increase their safety
- State two examples of organization-wide changes that their healthcare organization can implement to help ensure all patients at risk for suicide receive effective lethal means counseling
- List two examples of ways to partner with firearm stakeholders in the community (like firearm instructors and gun retailers) on preventing suicide.
There are no fees for participating in and receiving credit for this activity.
- Review the activity objectives, faculty information, and CME information prior to participating in the activity.
- View the CME presentations
- Complete the CME activity evaluation at the conclusion of the activity in order to receive a credit certificate.
In accordance with the disclosure policy of the Brown University CME Office as well as standards set forth by the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), speakers have been asked to disclose any relevant financial relationship with the manufacturers of any commercial products and/or provider of commercial services discussed in any educational presentation and with any commercial supporters or exhibitors of this activity.
The intent of this policy is not to prevent a speaker with a potential conflict of interest from making a presentation but to identified openly so that the listener may form his/her own opinion. Any potential conflicts of interest have been resolved prior to this presentation.
This activity may include discussion of off-label or investigative drugs uses. Speakers are aware that it is their responsibility to disclose to the audience this information. Individual Faculty Disclosure information may be found in the conference handouts.
Faculty Disclosure/Conflict of Interest
The following speakers and planning committee members* have disclosed that they have no relevant financial relationships:
Catherine Barber, MPA
Robert Harrison, MD*
Jennifer Maloney*
Susan A. Orban, LICSW *
Danielle Stewart, M.A., L.M.H.C.*
Maria Sullivan, BS*
Privacy Policy: The Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME) and its educational partners protect the privacy of personal and other information regarding participants and educational collaborators. The CME Office maintains its Internet site as an information resource and service for physicians, other health professionals, and the public. The CME Office will keep your personal information confidential when you participate in a CME Internet-based program. CME collects only the information necessary to provide you with the services that you request.
Disclaimer: This educational program is designed to present scientific information and opinion to Health professionals, to stimulate thought, and further investigation.
Acknowledgement of Funding
This training is funded by Grant SM-17-006 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
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