Radio Emission from Tidal Disruption Events - Unveiling Prompt Outflows During Stellar Disruption
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a 26-minute conference talk on radio emission from tidal disruption events, presented by Adelle Goodwin from Curtin University. Delve into the fascinating world of prompt outflows launched during stellar disruptions near supermassive black holes. Gain insights into the latest research on tidal disruption events (TDEs) and their role in understanding galactic nuclei and central black hole properties. Learn about the accelerating detection rates of TDEs due to advances in wide-field survey capabilities across the electromagnetic spectrum. Discover the theoretical uncertainties in TDE modeling and the challenges in using these events to decipher black hole demographics across cosmic time. Recorded as part of the "Anticipating the Rising Tide of Tidal Disruption Events: Theory and Observation" conference at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, this talk contributes to bridging the gap between theory and observation in the field of TDEs and related phenomena such as variable Active Galactic Nuclei and X-ray binaries.
Radio emission from tidal disruption events ▸ Adelle Goodwin (Curtin U)
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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