A New Population of Mid-Infrared-Selected Tidal Disruption Events

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Tidal Disruption Events Courses Astrophysics Courses Active Galactic Nuclei Courses Electromagnetic Spectra Courses Supermassive Black Holes Courses Wide-field Surveys Courses

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Explore a 30-minute conference talk on a newly discovered population of tidal disruption events (TDEs) selected through mid-infrared observations. Delivered by Megan Masterson from MIT at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, this presentation is part of the "Anticipating the Rising Tide of Tidal Disruption Events: Theory and Observation" conference. Delve into the latest research on these cosmic phenomena, which occur when stars are destroyed by supermassive black holes, and learn how mid-infrared detection methods are expanding our understanding of TDEs. Gain insights into the implications of this new population for black hole demographics and galactic nuclei properties across cosmic time.


A New Population of Mid-Infrared-Selected Tidal Disruption Events ▸ Megan Masterson (MIT)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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