Quantitative Data Handling and Data Analysis
Offered By: The National Centre for Research Methods via YouTube
Course Description
What are imitation games? By Rob Evans.
What is meta-analysis? by Steven Higgins.
The impossibility of separating age, period and cohort effects by Mr Andrew Bell.
Methods for testing trends in mental health - is it really possible to compare like-with-like.
The questionnaire design pitfalls of multiple modes by Dr Pamela Campanelli.
What's in a letter? What quaL might learn from quaNT, and vice versa by Professor John MacInnes.
Understanding the causes of measurement differences by mode by Ms Gerry Nicolaas.
What is small area estimation? by Dr Dimitris Ballas.
What is the regression discontinuity approach? by Professor Mike Brewer.
What is analytic induction? by Professor Martyn Hammersley.
Social choice and individual reports of subjective well-being by Professor Peter Hammond.
Life satisfaction and income by Dr Eugenio Proto.
A quantitative approach to framing in political speech by Dr Eyal Sagi.
Engineering geoprivacy using automated zone design, Dr James Robards.
New forms of data will eventually replace the survey, Professor Mark Elliot and Patrick Sturgis.
What are... Discrete Choice Experiments? Matthew Quaife.
Can We Trust the Polls? Reflections on the 2015 Election Poll Miss.
What is ... biosocial research? Professor Michaela Benzeval.
What is... a statistical eBook? Professor William Browne.
How could mobile devices improve survey measurement and social research? Carli Lessof.
Complexity, cases and policy-making, Professor Lasse Gerrits.
What is Big Data? Professor Mark Birkin.
Method and Measurement in Sociology, Professor Aaron Cicourel.
Big data: bridging the qualitative/quantitative divide, Professor Jane Elliott.
Archaeology of knowledge and working in the archives_Prof Maria Tamboukou.
Computer-assisted text analysis_Prof Clive Seale.
A layered archaelogical approach to analysis across multiple sets of qualitative longitudinal data.
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