Python Tutorials

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Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive journey through Python programming with this extensive tutorial series spanning over 62 hours. Dive deep into Python development, exploring everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques. Begin with installation and setup, then progress through fundamental data types, control structures, and functions. Learn essential skills like package management, virtual environments, and working with various development tools. Explore advanced topics including object-oriented programming, web scraping, database interactions, and web development with Flask and Django. Gain practical experience through real-world examples, coding challenges, and full-featured web application projects. Master data analysis with Pandas, data visualization with Matplotlib, and API interactions. Enhance your coding practices with tips on error handling, testing, and code optimization. By the end of this tutorial series, develop a well-rounded skill set in Python programming applicable to various domains including web development, data science, and automation.


Python Tutorial for Beginners 1: Install and Setup for Mac and Windows.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 2: Strings - Working with Textual Data.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 3: Integers and Floats - Working with Numeric Data.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 4: Lists, Tuples, and Sets.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 5: Dictionaries - Working with Key-Value Pairs.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 6: Conditionals and Booleans - If, Else, and Elif Statements.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 7: Loops and Iterations - For/While Loops.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 8: Functions.
Python Tutorial for Beginners 9: Import Modules and Exploring The Standard Library.
Setting up a Python Development Environment in Sublime Text.
Setting up a Python Development Environment in Atom.
Setting up a Python Development Environment in Eclipse.
Python Tutorial: pip - An in-depth look at the package management system.
Python Tutorial: virtualenv and why you should use virtual environments.
Python Tutorial: Anaconda - Installation and Using Conda.
Python Tutorial: How I Manage Multiple Projects, Virtual Environments, and Environment Variables.
Jupyter Notebook Tutorial: Introduction, Setup, and Walkthrough.
Python Tutorial: Variable Scope - Understanding the LEGB rule and global/nonlocal statements.
Python Tutorial: Slicing Lists and Strings.
Python Tutorial: Comprehensions - How they work and why you should be using them.
Python Tutorial: Sorting Lists, Tuples, and Objects.
Python Tutorial: String Formatting - Advanced Operations for Dicts, Lists, Numbers, and Dates.
Python Tutorial: OS Module - Use Underlying Operating System Functionality.
Python Tutorial: Datetime Module - How to work with Dates, Times, Timedeltas, and Timezones.
Python Tutorial: File Objects - Reading and Writing to Files.
Python Tutorial: Automate Parsing and Renaming of Multiple Files.
Python Tutorial: Generate Random Numbers and Data Using the random Module.
Python Tutorial: CSV Module - How to Read, Parse, and Write CSV Files.
Python Tutorial: Real World Example - Parsing Names From a CSV to an HTML List.
Python Tutorial: re Module - How to Write and Match Regular Expressions (Regex).
Python Tutorial: Using Try/Except Blocks for Error Handling.
Python Tutorial: Duck Typing and Asking Forgiveness, Not Permission (EAFP).
Python Tutorial: How to Set the Path and Switch Between Different Versions/Executables (Windows).
Python Tutorial: How to Set the Path and Switch Between Different Versions/Executables (Mac & Linux).
Python Quick Tip: F-Strings - How to Use Them and Advanced String Formatting.
Python Tutorial: Generators - How to use them and the benefits you receive.
Python Tutorial: Decorators - Dynamically Alter The Functionality Of Your Functions.
Python Tutorial: Decorators With Arguments.
Python Tutorial: Namedtuple - When and why should you use namedtuples?.
Python OOP Tutorial 1: Classes and Instances.
Python OOP Tutorial 2: Class Variables.
Python OOP Tutorial 3: classmethods and staticmethods.
Python OOP Tutorial 4: Inheritance - Creating Subclasses.
Python OOP Tutorial 5: Special (Magic/Dunder) Methods.
Python OOP Tutorial 6: Property Decorators - Getters, Setters, and Deleters.
Python Tutorial: Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Requests.
Python Tutorial: Working with JSON Data using the json Module.
Python Tutorial: Calculate Number of Days, Weeks, or Months to Reach Specific Goals.
Python Tutorial: Context Managers - Efficiently Managing Resources.
Python Tutorial: str() vs repr().
Python SQLite Tutorial: Complete Overview - Creating a Database, Table, and Running Queries.
Python Tutorial: Logging Basics - Logging to Files, Setting Levels, and Formatting.
Python Tutorial: Logging Advanced - Loggers, Handlers, and Formatters.
Python Quick Tip: Hiding Passwords and Secret Keys in Environment Variables (Mac & Linux).
Python Quick Tip: Hiding Passwords and Secret Keys in Environment Variables (Windows).
Python Tutorial: if __name__ == '__main__'.
Python Tutorial: Unit Testing Your Code with the unittest Module.
Python Tutorial: Pipenv - Easily Manage Packages and Virtual Environments.
Preparing for a Python Interview: 10 Things You Should Know.
Python Tutorial: Else Clauses on Loops.
Python Tutorial: Image Manipulation with Pillow.
Python Tutorial: Custom Sublime Text Build Systems.
Python: Ex Machina Easter Egg - Hidden Message within the Code.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 1 - Getting Started.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 2 - Templates.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 3 - Forms and User Input.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Database with Flask-SQLAlchemy.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 5 - Package Structure.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 6 - User Authentication.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 7 - User Account and Profile Picture.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 9 - Pagination.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 10 - Email and Password Reset.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 11 - Blueprints and Configuration.
Python Flask Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 12 - Custom Error Pages.
Python Tutorial: Sets - Set Methods and Operations to Solve Common Problems.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 1 - Getting Started.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 2 - Applications and Routes.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 3 - Templates.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 4 - Admin Page.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 5 - Database and Migrations.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 6 - User Registration.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 7 - Login and Logout System.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 8 - User Profile and Picture.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 9 - Update User Profile.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 10 - Create, Update, and Delete Posts.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 11 - Pagination.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 12 - Email and Password Reset.
Python Django Tutorial: Deploying Your Application (Option #1) - Deploy to a Linux Server.
Python Tutorial: Iterators and Iterables - What Are They and How Do They Work?.
Python Coding Problem: Creating Your Own Iterators.
Python Tutorial: Itertools Module - Iterator Functions for Efficient Looping.
Python Flask Tutorial: Deploying Your Application (Option #1) - Deploy to a Linux Server.
Python Flask Tutorial: How to Use a Custom Domain Name for Our Application.
Python Django Tutorial: How to Use a Custom Domain Name for Our Application.
Python Flask Tutorial: How to enable HTTPS with a free SSL/TLS Certificate using Let's Encrypt.
Python Django Tutorial: How to enable HTTPS with a free SSL/TLS Certificate using Let's Encrypt.
Python Django Tutorial: Full-Featured Web App Part 13 - Using AWS S3 for File Uploads.
Python Django Tutorial: Deploying Your Application (Option #2) - Deploy using Heroku.
Python Requests Tutorial: Request Web Pages, Download Images, POST Data, Read JSON, and More.
Python Tutorial: Write a Script to Monitor a Website, Send Alert Emails, and Reboot Servers.
Python Tutorial: Web Scraping with Requests-HTML.
How to Send Emails Using Python - Plain Text, Adding Attachments, HTML Emails, and More.
10 Python Tips and Tricks For Writing Better Code.
Python Tutorial: VENV (Mac & Linux) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module.
Python Tutorial: VENV (Windows) - How to Use Virtual Environments with the Built-In venv Module.
How to Write Python Scripts to Analyze JSON APIs and Sort Results.
5 Common Python Mistakes and How to Fix Them.
Python Tutorial: Clarifying the Issues with Mutable Default Arguments.
Visual Studio Code (Mac) - Setting up a Python Development Environment and Complete Overview.
Visual Studio Code (Windows) - Setting up a Python Development Environment and Complete Overview.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 1): Creating and Customizing Our First Plots.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 2): Bar Charts and Analyzing Data from CSVs.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 3): Pie Charts.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 4): Stack Plots.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 5): Filling Area on Line Plots.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 6): Histograms.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 7): Scatter Plots.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 8): Plotting Time Series Data.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 9): Plotting Live Data in Real-Time.
Matplotlib Tutorial (Part 10): Subplots.
Python Tutorial: Calling External Commands Using the Subprocess Module.
Python Quick Tip: The Difference Between "==" and "is" (Equality vs Identity).
Python Threading Tutorial: Run Code Concurrently Using the Threading Module.
Python Multiprocessing Tutorial: Run Code in Parallel Using the Multiprocessing Module.
Python Data Science Tutorial: Analyzing the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey.
Python Tutorial: Zip Files - Creating and Extracting Zip Archives.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 1): Getting Started with Data Analysis - Installation and Loading Data.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 2): DataFrame and Series Basics - Selecting Rows and Columns.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 3): Indexes - How to Set, Reset, and Use Indexes.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 4): Filtering - Using Conditionals to Filter Rows and Columns.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 5): Updating Rows and Columns - Modifying Data Within DataFrames.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 6): Add/Remove Rows and Columns From DataFrames.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 7): Sorting Data.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 8): Grouping and Aggregating - Analyzing and Exploring Your Data.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 9): Cleaning Data - Casting Datatypes and Handling Missing Values.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 10): Working with Dates and Time Series Data.
Python Pandas Tutorial (Part 11): Reading/Writing Data to Different Sources - Excel, JSON, SQL, Etc.
Python Tutorial: Real World Example - Using Patreon API and Pillow to Automate Image Creation.
Python YouTube API Tutorial: Getting Started - Creating an API Key and Querying the API.
Python YouTube API Tutorial: Calculating the Duration of a Playlist.
Python YouTube API Tutorial: Sort a Playlist by Most Popular Videos.
Python YouTube API Tutorial: Using OAuth to Access User Accounts.

Taught by

Corey Schafer

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