Surjective Submersions, Bundle Gerbes, Group Cohomology and Applications - Part 1
Offered By: Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricate world of mathematical concepts in this comprehensive lecture, the first of a three-part series. Delve into surjective submersions, bundle gerbes, and group cohomology, examining their interconnections and practical applications. Gain insights from expert mathematician Peter Bouwknegt as he unravels complex theories and demonstrates their relevance in various mathematical fields. Enhance your understanding of advanced mathematical structures and their role in solving real-world problems through this in-depth presentation at the Galileo Galilei Institute.
Peter Bouwknegt: "Surjective submersions, Bundle Gerbes, Group Cohomology and Applications" 1/3
Taught by
Galileo Galilei Institute
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