Oriented Circles and 3D Relativistic Geometry - Part 1

Offered By: Insights into Mathematics via YouTube


Relativistic Geometry Courses Linear Algebra Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Quadrance Courses

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Explore three-dimensional relativistic geometry and its connection to oriented circles in this 46-minute video lecture. Delve into the natural extension of 2D relativistic geometry, examining new features such as hyperboloids of one and two sheets acting as relativistic spheres. Discover the surprising relationship between relativistic geometry and oriented planar circles, also known as signed circles, directed circles, or cycles. Learn how relativistic quadrance can be interpreted as the quadrance between corresponding oriented circles, measured along a common oriented tangent. Gain insight into the 19th-century theory of cyclography and its relevance to modern mathematics. This lecture is part of the Wild Linear Algebra series by NJ Wildberger, offering a unique perspective on advanced mathematical concepts.


Oriented circles and 3D relativistic geometry I | Wild Linear Algebra B 34 | NJ Wildberger

Taught by

Insights into Mathematics

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