Quadrance Courses
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube Spreads, Determinants and Chromogeometry - WildTrig: Intro to Rational Trigonometry
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube The Curvature of a Parabola, Without Calculus - Rational Geometry Math Foundations
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube Relativistic Velocity, Core Circles, and Paul Miller's Protractor - Rational Geometry
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube Relativistic Velocity, Core Circles and Paul Miller's Protractor - Rational Geometry
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube The Three-Fold Symmetry of Chromogeometry - Rational Geometry Math Foundations
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube Higher Dimensions and the Roles of Length, Area, and Volume - Rational Geometry Math Foundations
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube The Bretschneider Von Staudt Formula for a Quadrilateral - Rational Geometry Math Foundations
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube The Projective Line, Circles and a Proof of the CQQ Theorem - Rational Geometry Math Foundations
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube Circles and Spheres via Dot Products II - Wild Linear Algebra A
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube