Obstructive vs Restrictive Lung Disease - Pulmonary Function Test Analysis

Offered By: Dr. Najeeb Lectures via YouTube


Pulmonology Courses Asthma Courses Spirometry Courses Restrictive Lung Diseases Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a comprehensive 1-hour 26-minute medical lecture exploring the differences between obstructive and restrictive lung diseases, with a focus on pulmonary function tests. Learn about normal lung structure, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Examine compliance graphs, spirometry findings, and flow volume loops for various lung conditions. Understand the hallmarks of chronic obstructive diseases and compare spirometry results between obstructive and restrictive lung diseases. Gain valuable insights into expiratory rate flow measurements and their interpretations in normal, restrictive, and obstructive lung conditions. Conclude with a rapid review of the lecture content, enhancing your understanding of respiratory pathophysiology and diagnostic techniques.


Normal Lung Structure
Restrictive Lung Diseases
What Are Obstructive Lung Diseases?
Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
Compliance Graph
Hallmarks Of Chronic Obstructive Diseases
Spirometry Findings Of Volumes And Capacities In Normal Lung
Spirometry Findings Of Volumes And Capacities In Restrictive Lung Diseases
Spirometry Findings Of Volumes And Capacities In Obstructive Lung Disease
Comparison Of Spirometry Findings Of Obstructive And Restrictive Lung Diseases
Expiratory Rate Flow Measured With Time In Normal Lung
Expiratory Rate Flow Measured With Time In Restrictive Lung Disease
00; Expiratory Rate Flow Measured With Time In Obstructive Lung Disease
Spirometry Findings Of Expiratory Rate Flow With Time In Normal Lung
Spirometry Findings Of Expiratory Rate Flow With Time In Restrictive Lung Diseases
Spirometry Findings Of Expiratory Rate Flow With Time In Obstructive Lung Diseases
Flow Volume Loop In Normal Lung
Flow Volume Loop In Tracheal Obstruction
Flow Volume Loop In Restrictive Lung Disease
Flow Volume Loops In Obstructive Lung Disease
Rapid Review Of Lecture

Taught by

Dr. Najeeb Lectures

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