NORA Education for Practitioners: Anesthesia for Interventional Pulmonology Procedures

Offered By: University of Pennsylvania via Independent


Continuing Medical Education (CME) Courses Anesthesia Courses Pulmonology Courses

Course Description


Penn Medicine, NORA Education for Practitioners: Anesthesia for Interventional Pulmonology Procedures, 10/25/2019 9:00:00 AM - 7/25/2022 5:00:00 PM,

Interventional Pulmonology has revolutionized our ability to treat patients with lung pathology without resorting to surgical intervention. In this course, “Anesthesia for Interventional Pulmonology Procedures,” join Drs. Anthony Lanfranco, an Interventional Pulmonologist, and Dr. Richard C. Month, an Anesthesiologist, for a 2-part video lesson that reviews the types of procedures performed in the suite, airway management, fundamentals of jet-ventilation, and more. Then, check out the slide presentation of information that you need to know to help you and your team treat these complicated patients.

ATTENTION Nurse Anesthetists! In order to receive your AANA certificate, please enter your AANA ID# under My CE/CMEPROFILECREDENTIALS. You are also required to enter your AANA ID# on the evaluation before proceeding to download your certificate.

How to Receive Credit:

To receive your Certificate of Credit for participating in this CME/CE-certified educational curriculum, please follow these steps:

  • Read all the introductory material including faculty and disclosure information
  • Complete the pre-test
  • View the video lectures, slides, references and resources
  • Complete the post-test. You will have 3 attempts to earn at least 80% in order to proceed
  • Evaluate the activity using the brief survey. You must complete the post activity evaluation to download your certificate
  • You will be able to download your certificate after completing the post-activity survey


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