Non-Analytic Non-Equilibrium Field Theory - Camille Aron
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore non-analytic non-equilibrium field theory in this 38-minute conference talk by Camille Aron, recorded as part of the 2021 Non-Equilibrium Universality in Many-Body Physics KITP Conference. Delve into the London Approach and its applications, examining key examples and addressing important questions in the field. Learn about the model, normalization techniques, and the renewal formula. Investigate the free energy potential and its implications. Gain insights into coarsening physics and phase transitions. Engage with cutting-edge concepts at the intersection of statistical physics, AMO, condensed matter, and high-energy physics, as experts discuss novel phases of matter far from equilibrium and their associated universality classes.
The London Approach
How it works
Important Questions
Renewal Formula
Free Energy Potential
Coarsening Physics
Phase Transition
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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