Digital Electronic Circuits
Offered By: NPTEL via YouTube
Course Description
COURSE OUTLINE: There is a notable increase in the use of the word 'digital' for products and services that are becoming part of our everyday life. Examples are digital camera, digital watch, digital weighing machine, digital signature, digital payment, digital art and so on. The digital prefix associates a term with digital technology and is considered a step up in the delivered performance at a given cost. The world of digital provides easy storage and reproduction, immunity to noise and interference, flexibility in processing, different transmission options, and very importantly, inexpensive building blocks in the form of integrated circuits. Digital systems represent and manipulate digital signals. Such signals represent only finite number of discreet values. A signal can be discreet by nature whereas, a continuous signal can be discretized for digital processing and then converted back. Manipulation and storage of digital signals involve switching. This switching is done through electronic circuits. Basic gates made from electronic circuits are primary building blocks of digital systems
Digital Electronic Circuits.
Lecture 01: Introduction.
Lecture 02: Transistor as a Switch.
Lecture 03 : Performance Issue and Introduction to TTL.
Lecture 04 : Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL).
Lecture 05: CMOS Logic.
Lecture 06: Basic Gates and their representations.
Lecture 07 : Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra.
Lecture 08 : Boolean Function to Truth Table and Implementation Issues.
Lecture 09 : Truth Table to Boolean Function and Implementation Issues.
Lecture 10 : Karnugh Map and Digital Circuit Realization.
Lecture 11: Karnaugh Map to Entered Variable Map.
Lecture 12: Quine - McClusky (QM) Algorithm.
Lecture 13: Cost Criteria and Minimization of Multiple Output Functions.
Lecture 14: Static 1 Hazard.
Lecture 15: Static 0 Hazard and Dynamic Hazard.
Lecture 17: Multiplexer: Part II.
Lecture 18: Demultiplexer / Decoder.
Lecture 19: Decoder with BCD Input and Encoder.
Lecture 16: Multiplexer: Part I.
Lecture 20: Parity Generator and Checker.
Lecture 21:Number System.
Lecture 22: Negative Number and 2's Complement Arithmetic.
Lecture 23: Arithmetic Building Blocks-I.
Lecture 24: Arithmetic Building Blocks-II.
Lecture 25: Overflow Detection and BCD Arithmetic.
Lecture 26: Magnitude Comparator.
Lecture 27: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
Lecture 28: Unweighted Code.
Lecture 29: Error Detection and Correction Code.
Lecture 30: Multiplication and Division.
Lecture 31: SR Latch and Introduction to Clocked Flip-Flop.
Lecture 32: Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop.
Lecture 33: Representations of Flip-Flops.
Lecture 34: Analysis of Sequential Logic Circuit.
Lecture 35: Conversion of Flip-Flops and Flip-Flop Timing Parameters.
Lecture 36: Register and Shift Register: PIPO and SISO.
Lecture 37: Shift Register: SIPO, PISO and Universal Shift Register.
Lecture 38: Application of Shift Register.
Lecture 39: Linear Feedback Shift Register.
Lecture 40: Serial Addition, Multiplication and Division.
Lecture 41: Asynchronous Counter.
Lecture 42: Decoding Logic and Synchronous Counter.
Lecture 44: Counter Design with Asynchronous Reset and Preset.
Lecture 45: Counter Design as Synthesis Problem and Few Other Uses of Counter.
Lecture 43: Cascading: Mod 2, 3, 5 to Mod 6, 10, 1000 Counter.
Lecture 46: Synthesis of Sequential Logic Circuit: Moore Model and Mealy Model.
Lecture 47: Moore Model and Mealy Model: Realization of Digital Logic Circuit.
Lecture 48: Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) Chart and Synthesis of Sequential Logic Circuit.
Lecture 49: Circuit Realization from ASM Chart and State Minimization.
Lecture 50: State Minimization by Implication Table and Partitioning Method.
Lecture 51: Digital to Analog Conversion - I.
Lecture 52: Digital to Analog Conversion - II.
Lecture 55: Certain Performance Issue of ADC and DAC.
Lecture 56: Introduction to Memory.
Lecture 58: Dynamic RAM(DRAM) and Memory Expansion.
Lecture 57: Static Random Access Memory (SRAM).
Lecture 59: Read Only Memory (ROM).
Lecture 60: PAL, PLA, CPLD, FPGA.
Lecture 54: Analog to Digital Conversion - II.
Lecture 53: Analog to Digital Conversion - I.
Taught by
IIT Kharagpur July 2018
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