NCERT Class 11th History - Themes in World History - All Chapters Detailed Explanation

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Test Prep Courses World History Courses Ancient Civilizations Courses Urbanization Courses Renaissance Courses Mongol Empire Courses Medieval Europe Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive course on NCERT Class 11th History covering Themes in World History. Delve into the evolution of human civilization, from early hominids to the rise and fall of great empires. Examine the development of Mesopotamian, Roman, and Islamic civilizations, including their social structures, cultural achievements, and political systems. Investigate the Mongol Empire's formation and impact, and analyze the transformation of medieval Europe. Study the Renaissance, Reformation, and early modern scientific advancements. Conclude with an exploration of cultural encounters in the Americas. Gain a deep understanding of global historical processes and interconnections through detailed explanations of all chapters, spanning 18 hours of in-depth content.


(P1C1 NCERT 11th History)History timeline, Evolution of Humans-Primates, Hominoids, Australopithecus.
(P2C1 NCERT 11th History) Comparing Australopithecus with Homo, East Africa the origin of human life.
(P3C1 NCERT 11th History) Evolution of Human Beings - Continuity & Replacement Model, Obtaining food.
(P4C1 NCERT 11th History) Tool making, Modes of Communication, Kungsan & Hazda people, Ethnography.
(P1C2 NCERT 11th History) Mesopotamian Civilization - Urban/Rural areas, Agriculture, Trade Relation.
(P2C2 NCERT 11th History)System of Writing in Mesopotamia, Temple & Urban way of life in Mesopotamia.
(P3C2 NCERT 11th History) Mesopotamian seals, Mari Uruk & Babylonian empires, Gilgamesh epic cities.
(P1C3 NCERT 11th History)Timeline of Kingdoms all over the World, How Roman empire was established ?.
(P2C3 NCERT 11th History)Early Roman empire-Role of Army, Emperor, Senate | Comparison with Iranians.
(P3C3 NCERT 11th History) Gender, Literacy, Culture, Slaves, Economy and Feuds of Roman Empire.
(P4C3 NCERT 11th History) Roman Empire - Social hierarchies, Late Antiquity, Constantine Innovations.
(P1C4 NCERT 11th History) How Islamic history was written, Religion in Mecca before Prophet Mohammed.
(P2C4 NCERT 11th History)How Islamic Caliphate was established, Islam's expansion, Umayyad Caliphate.
(P3C4 NCERT 11th History) Abbasid Caliphate, Burid & Fatimid rulers, Saljuq Turks, Ghaznavid dynasty.
(P4C4 NCERT 11th History) Crusades - Christians attacking Muslims, Beginning of Religious wars.
(P5C4 NCERT 11th History) Eco, Agriculture, Urbanization & Commerce in Islamic lands, Geniza records.
(P6C4 NCERT 11th History) Teachings of Quran & Prophet - Hadith, Sunna, Ulama, Sharia, Muamalat.
(P7C4 NCERT 11th History)Sufi/Persian culture, Dhulnun Misri, Arabs utilizing Greek/Indian knowledge.
(P8C4 NCERT 11th History) Persian and Arabic culture amalgamation - Rudaki, Rubai, Shahnama, Rihla.
(P9C4 NCERT 11th History) Architectural tradition of Islamic areas - Religion, Community & Politics..
(P1C5 NCERT 11th History)How an Empire can be Nomadic,Various Diverging Narratives regarding Mongols.
(P2C5 NCERT 11th History)Factors leading to unity of Mongolian tribes, Why Great Wall of China built.
(P3C5) Life story of Genghis Khan/Temujin - How cruel he was and how many people he killed ?.
(P4C5) Tracing the timeline of Mongol Rule, How barbaric were Mongols - Did they eat humans ?.
(P5C5) Why Mongols were not able to conquer Europe, What happened after death of Genghis Khan ?.
(P6C5) How Genghis organized his army, Area under Ogedie Jochi Chaghatai Toluy, Anda, Ulus, Tama.
(P7C5) How Genghis successors started living a sedentary life protecting peasants ? Concept of ULUS..
(P8C5) Why Genghis Khan is a hero for some people and murdered for others ? Yasa Code of Law Mongols.
(P1C6) How Kings and Church consolidated their rule in Western Europe, Crusades against Muslims...
(P2C6) Sea Voyages of Europeans to America/India, How Europeans interacted with conquered people ?.
(P3C6) Important Events (1300-1700 A.D.) in Asia, Africa, Europe, America, Pacific Islands/Australia.
(P4C6)Three Orders of Medieval Europe, How Feudalism evolved in Europe, France history, Charlemagne..
(P5C6)The Second Order:Nobility, The Manorial Estate, The Knights, The Minstrels, Relation with LORD.
(P6C6) The First Order : The Clergy, MONKS, The Church and Society, Rules of Abbeys and Monasteries..
(P7C6) The Third Order of Medieval Europe - Free Peasants, Who were Serfs, Conditions in England...
(P8C6) How Environment & Agricultural Technology changed Social conditions in Medieval Europe ?.
(P9C6) The Fourth Order of Medieval Europe - New Towns, Cathedral Towns, The Crisis of 14th century..
(P10C6) Black Death, Bubonic plague, Social Unrest, Lords vs Peasants, Political changes in Europe.
(P1C7) Europe's History 14th-17th century, How Italian cities emerged as centers of trade/culture ?.
(P2C7) Finest Universities of Europe, More realistic paintings, Modern Physiology, Arab contribution.
(P3C7) Architecture of Rome, The 1st Printed Books, The New Humanist concept of Human Beings.
(P4C7)Aspirations of Women empowerment in medieval Europe, Venetian Cassandra Fedele, Isabellad’Este.
(P5C7) How Protestant Reformation emerged out of Catholic Church, Humanist Culture of North Europe...
(P6C7) Copernican Revolution, European ‘Renaissance’ in the Fourteenth Century, Reading the Universe.
(P1C8) Confrontation of Cultures in Americas, Communities of Caribbean and Brazil, Tupinamba people..
(P2C8) Studying the Cultures of Aztecs, Mayas and Incas Civilization, Comparison with Europeans.

Taught by

Harshit Dwivedi Education

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