Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures Using AFM - Lecture 4

Offered By: nanohubtechtalks via YouTube


Atomic Force Microscopy Courses

Course Description


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Explore atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques for fabricating and characterizing nanostructures in this comprehensive conference talk. Delve into AFM lithography methods including dip pen nanolithography, nanoshaving, and electrochemical techniques. Learn about specialized AFM imaging modes like lateral force microscopy and phase imaging for analyzing printed nanostructures. Watch a remote access demonstration of AFM lithography and phase imaging, featuring the etching of polyvinylpyrrolidone from a glass substrate. Gain insights into self-assembled monolayers, probe behavior, nanoscale friction, cantilever tuning, and practical applications of these advanced microscopy techniques.


Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures Using AFM
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures Using AFM
Penn State
AFM Lithography
AFM Operation
Patterning with AFM
Self-Assembled Monolayers SAMs
Self-Assembled Monolayers SAMs
Self-Assembled Monolayers SAMs
AFM Lithography
AFM Lithography
Dip – Pen Nanolithography DPN
Dip – Pen Nanolithography DPN
Dip – Pen Nanolithography DPN
Dip – Pen Nanolithography DPN
Dip – Pen Nanolithography DPN
Electrochemical DPN
Anodization Lithography
Anodization Lithography
Anodization Lithography
Specialized AFM Operating Modes
Lateral Force Microscopy LFM
LFM – Probe Behavior
Nanoscale Friction
LFM – Probe Behavior
LFM – Photodiode Operation
LFM – Photodiode Operation
LFM – Applications
LFM – Applications
LFM – Applications
LFM – Friction Loop
LFM – Friction Loop
LFM – Friction Loop
LFM Calculations
LFM Calculations
LFM Calculations – Cantilever Spring Constant
LFM Calculations – Cantilever Spring Constant
LFM Calculations
Specialized AFM Operating Modes
LFM – Friction Loop
Tapping Mode
Resonance Frequency
Tuning the Cantilever
Lock-In Amplifiers
Vibrational/Oscillation Amplitude
Phase Imaging
Phase Imaging
Phase Imaging – Applications
Thank you!
Frictional Force Demo
Nanosurf Naio Demo

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