Micro Frontends – a Strive for Fully Verticalized Systems

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Microservices Courses Orchestration Courses Choreography Courses

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Explore the concept of micro frontends in this 57-minute conference talk by David Leitner at NDC Conferences. Delve into the benefits of microservice architecture for enterprise applications and learn how micro frontends can address the challenges of frontend monoliths. Discover the underlying concepts of this architectural style, including extending microservices to the frontend, creating fully end-to-end verticalized systems, and implementing orchestration- or choreography-based approaches. Gain insights from real-world customer projects, understanding both the advantages and challenges of micro frontends. Acquire the knowledge needed to determine if this powerful tool is suitable for your specific development needs and how it can help avoid frontend monoliths in your projects.


Micro Frontends – a strive for fully verticalized systems - David Leitner

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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