Metamorphic Petrology - Types of Metamorphism, Protoliths, Textures, and Classification

Offered By: GEO GIRL via YouTube


Petrology Courses Metamorphism Courses Rock Classification Courses Metamorphic Petrology Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive video lecture on metamorphic petrology, exploring the fundamentals of metamorphism, its various types, and the importance of studying this field. Learn to identify protoliths of common metamorphic rocks, distinguish between primary and secondary textures, and understand the differences between static and tectonic metamorphic processes. Examine the structural features of metamorphic rocks, including lineations, foliations, and schistosity, and discover both structural and compositional classification systems. Gain valuable insights and practical tips for identifying metamorphic rocks in laboratory settings, drawing from real-world experience.


what is metamorphism?
types of metamorphism
why study metamorphic petrology?
determining protoliths of metamorphic rocks
primary vs secondary textures
sedimentary & igneous primary textures
static vs tectonic metamorphic textures
lineation vs foliation vs schistosity
metamorphic classification by structure
metamorphic classification by composition
upcoming videos & references

Taught by


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