Measuring DevSecOps

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses DevSecOps Courses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Courses Maturity Models Courses

Course Description


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Explore the world of DevSecOps metrics in this comprehensive NDC Security 2022 conference talk by Victoria Alamzova. Discover why measuring DevSecOps is crucial for demonstrating success and driving transformation in the DevOps world. Learn to identify essential security KPIs, determine effective measurement techniques, and visualize metrics for your team. Gain insights into the DevSecOps maturity model, common challenges, and the importance of selecting proper KPIs. Follow along as the speaker moves from theoretical frameworks to a technical demonstration, providing practical knowledge on implementing and tracking security metrics. Understand the potential pitfalls, such as the Cobra Effect, and how to avoid them when establishing your DevSecOps measurement strategy. By the end of this 47-minute talk, acquire the tools and knowledge necessary to create a solid foundation for DevSecOps metrics in your organization.


What is DevSecOp
Why do DevSecOps
Measuring DevSecOps
DevSecOps Definition
Maturity Models
End State
How many KPIs
The Cobra Effect
Supporting Metrics
Common KPIs
Power BI
Proper KPIs

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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