Measure DC Voltage and Current with Arduino

Offered By: DroneBot Workshop via YouTube


Arduino Courses Electronics Courses Analog-to-Digital Conversion Courses Voltage Dividers Courses

Course Description


Learn how to measure DC voltage and current using an Arduino in this comprehensive video tutorial. Explore fundamental techniques for voltage measurement using the Arduino's analog-to-digital converter, implement voltage dividers to extend measurement range, and improve accuracy with precision external voltage references. Dive into current measurement methods using both Hall Effect and resistive sensors, including a unique sensor capable of simultaneous current and voltage measurements via I2C connection. Follow along with practical experiments and code samples to gain hands-on experience in DC electrical measurements for various applications such as project power consumption analysis, solar cell testing, and battery monitoring.


- Introduction
- DC Voltage Measurement Principles
- Basic DC Voltage Experiment
- Using an External Voltage Reference
- DC Current Measurement Principles
- Using the ACS712 Hall Effect Sensor
- Using the Adafruit INA219 Sensor

Taught by

DroneBot Workshop

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