Embeddings and Statistical Mechanics in Planar Ising Models - Part 1

Offered By: Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) via YouTube


Statistical Mechanics Courses Geometry Courses Complex Systems Courses Mathematical Physics Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricate connections between criticality, exact solvability, and geometric embeddings in planar Ising models through this comprehensive lecture presented by Marcin Lis from the Vienna University of Technology. Delivered as part of IPAM's Geometry, Statistical Mechanics, and Integrability Tutorials at UCLA, this 1-hour 17-minute talk delves into the fascinating world of statistical mechanics and its geometric implications. Gain valuable insights into the fundamental concepts that bridge physics and mathematics, and discover how these principles apply to real-world phenomena. Recorded on March 14, 2024, this lecture serves as an essential resource for students, researchers, and professionals interested in advancing their understanding of complex systems and their mathematical representations.


Marcin Lis - Embeddings & Statistical Mechanics (Part 1) - IPAM at UCLA

Taught by

Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)

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