Mammoths Resurrected and Other Thoughts from a Futurist

Offered By: TED via YouTube


TED Courses Human Nature Courses Sustainable Development Courses Environmental Conservation Courses Geoengineering Courses Futurism Courses Rewilding Courses

Course Description


Dive into a thought-provoking TED Talk featuring futurist and visionary Stewart Brand in conversation with TED Curator Chris Anderson. Explore a wide range of topics including human nature, de-extinction efforts to bring back the woolly mammoth, geoengineering, rewilding, and the role of science as organized skepticism. Gain insights into Brand's perspective-shifting experiences, including a memorable acid trip in 1960s San Francisco. Discover his optimistic view on humanity's potential for positive change and improvement. Learn about concepts such as counterculture, hacking civilization, moral hazards in extinction prevention, and global greening. Engage with Brand's unique ideas on shaping a better world and challenging conventional narratives about humanity's impact on the planet.


Hacking civilization
Moral hazard
Mammoth rewilding
A better world
Global greening

Taught by


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