Re-Wilding Ourselves and Our Cities

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


TEDx Courses Music Courses Sustainability Courses Storytelling Courses Community Building Courses Rewilding Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of rewilding ourselves and our cities in this TEDx talk by Dana Kay. Discover how returning to our wild nature and deeply rooted wisdom can open new paths forward. Learn about the importance of reconnecting with nature, our bodies, and human history to address complex issues. Examine how restoring the sacredness of place can shift our relationship with nature from an abstract concept to a deeply intertwined responsibility. Understand how awakening sensory aliveness and connection can activate dormant collective power within communities. Investigate the symbiotic relationship between culture and nature in cultivating community and shared responsibility. Gain insights into practical ways of activating these potentials within communities and explore ideas for future implementation.


Re-Wilding Ourselves & Our Cities | Dana Kay | TEDxFremontEastDistrict

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