Machine Learning and Deep Learning Maths - Matrix and Vector Operations
Offered By: The AI University via YouTube
Course Description
Element-wise Operation using Inline Function - Python | What are Inline Functions in Python?.
Machine Learning Mathematics - Create Matrix using Python.
Machine Learning Mathematics - Create Vectors using Python.
Calculate Matrix Addition and Subtraction using Python.
Calculate Matrix Size Shape & Dimension using Python.
Dense to Sparse Matrix conversion using Python.
Machine Learning Mathematics - Matrix Transpose using Python.
18.Mean Variance and Std Deviation of a matrix.
17.Convert dictionary into matrix.
16.Dot product of two vectors.
15.Rank of a matrix.
14.Trace of a matrix.
13.Flattening a matrix.
12.Determinant of a matrix.
11.Find Max and Min element from Matrix.
10.Diagonal of a matrix.
9.Invert a matrix.
8.Reshape a matrix.
7. Select an element from vector and matrix.
Taught by
The AI University
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