Local Translation of Synaptopodin as a Synaptic-Tagging Mechanism

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Synaptic Plasticity Courses Neurobiology Courses Associative Learning Courses Cellular Mechanisms Courses

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Explore a conference talk on the local translation of synaptopodin as a synaptic-tagging mechanism for input-specific homeostatic plasticity. Delivered by Mathieu Letellier from the University of Bordeaux, this 51-minute presentation is part of the Timescales of Plasticity and Underlying Mechanisms conference at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Delve into the neurobiology of learning, focusing on how the brain associates events across various timescales despite known biological mechanisms operating on much shorter intervals. Examine molecular, cellular, and circuit-level mechanisms that bridge multiple timescales in individual experiences, contributing to an integrated analysis of statistical learning spanning from molecular to behavioral-level phenomena.


Local translation of synaptopodin as a synaptic-tagging mechanism.. ▸ Mathieu Letellier (U Bordeaux)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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