Edge Computing and Cloud Native Thinking - Benefits and Challenges

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Edge Computing Courses Kubernetes Courses Distributed Systems Courses 5G Courses Data Sovereignty Courses Open Source Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intersection of edge computing and cloud native thinking in this 39-minute webinar from the Linux Foundation. Discover how edge computing is revolutionizing the internet by reducing latency, managing data in low-bandwidth situations, cutting costs, and addressing data sovereignty concerns. Learn why standardization and automation, core principles of cloud native ecosystems and Kubernetes, are crucial for managing distributed systems at scale. Delve into the growth of edge computing, its benefits, and challenges, with a focus on the 5G telco use case. Gain insights into the determinants for placing applications on the edge, IT operations automation levels, and the role of open source in shaping the future of edge computing.


Edge Computing is Creating a New Internet
Edge Computing Market Opportunity
What is Edge Computing?
Where Edge Computing?
How are we building the Edge?
Why do we place applications on the Edge? Five determinants help determine why to place applications on the edge
What are the challenges?
Cloud Native Thinking for Edge Computing Risky
SAE Levels - IT Operations Level of Automation
What does 5G require? • 5-10x more base stations required
Cloud Native Thinking for 5G
Open Source

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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