CATENA-X - Industry Network and Technology for a Data-Driven Value Chain

Offered By: SAP via YouTube


Data Sovereignty Courses Automotive Industry Courses Decentralized Identity Courses

Course Description


Explore the CATENA-X industry network and technology for a data-driven value chain in this 55-minute SAP Community Call. Learn about the user-friendly environment for building, operating, and collaboratively using end-to-end data chains across the automotive value chain. Discover how the decentralized network enables peer-to-peer data exchange while maintaining data sovereignty. Gain insights into the International Data Spaces standard and SAP's plans for decentralized data space connectivity. The presentation covers Catena-X's vision, guiding principles, use cases, architecture, and four key technical concepts: decentralized data spaces, decentralized identities, self-sovereign data exchange, and interoperability. Understand the roadmap for this innovative ecosystem and its potential impact on the future of automotive markets.


[] Introduction
[] Call Overview
[] Overview on Catena-X
[] Vision and Guiding Principles
[] Use Cases
[] How Catena-X is Set Up
[] Operating System & Architecture
[] 4 Technical Concepts of Catena-X
[] 1: Decentralized Data Spaces
[] 2: Decentralized Identities
[] 3: Self-Sovereign Data Exchange
[] 4: Interoperability - Semantics & Self-Description
[] Roadmap
[] Follow us
[] Closing, Q&A

Taught by

SAP Community

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