Manifolds, Covers, Fundamental Groups, and Group Actions by Homeomorphisms - Lecture 2

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Algebraic Topology Courses Topology Courses Fundamental Groups Courses Manifolds Courses Homeomorphism Courses

Course Description


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Explore fundamental concepts in topology and group theory in this 1 hour 39 minute lecture by Nikolay Bogachev from the University of Toronto. Delve into the study of manifolds, covers, fundamental groups, and group actions by homeomorphisms. Part of the "Geometry, Arithmetic, and Dynamics of Discrete Groups" series offered through the Fields Institute's Shared Graduate Courses Program, this lecture provides advanced insights into the intersection of geometry and group theory. Gain a deeper understanding of these complex mathematical structures and their applications in modern topology.


Lecture 02: Manifolds, covers, fundamental groups, group actions by homeomorphisms.

Taught by

Fields Institute

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