Building Games and Mobile Apps with Python

Offered By: buildwithpython via YouTube


Kivy Courses Mobile Development Courses Game Development Courses Python Courses Animation Courses Material Design Courses GUI Development Courses Collision Detection Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive 5-hour tutorial series on building games and mobile applications using Python and the Kivy framework. Learn to create graphical user interfaces, develop a Pong game from scratch, and explore mobile app development. Master essential Kivy concepts including window creation, graphics, labels, animation, touch events, and collision detection. Convert Kivy projects to Android APK using Buildozer, and create a simple paint application. Explore Kivy basics such as layouts, buttons, images, and user input. Advance to KivyMD for material design interfaces, covering themes, dialog boxes, lists, data tables, toolbars, and navigation drawers. By the end, gain the skills to develop cross-platform applications with Python and Kivy.


Kivy Tutorial #1 - Introduction and Installing Kivy | Python GUI.
Kivy Tutorial #2 - Creating your first Window | Python GUI.
Kivy Tutorial #3 - Adding Simple Graphics and Labels | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #4 - Adding the Ball | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #5 - Understanding Movement Mechanics | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #6 - Animation in Kivy Python | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #7 - Ball Bouncing and Boundaries | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #8 - Creating the Paddles | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #9 - Adding Touch to App | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #10 - Collision Detection in Kivy | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #11 - Increasing the Score | Pong Game.
Kivy Tutorial #12 - Converting Kivy to Android APK | Buildozer.
Kivy Tutorial #13 - Building a Simple Paint App.
Kivy Tutorial #14 - Background Color and RGB Values | Paint App.
Kivy Tutorial #15 -Touch Events and Drawing | Paint App.
Kivy Tutorial #15.5 - Drawing with a Brush | Paint App.
Kivy Tutorial #16 - Clearing the Screen with Button | Paint App.
Kivy Tutorial #17 - Creating Labels and Texts | Kivy Python Basics.
Kivy Tutorial #18 - Creating Buttons and Background Color | Kivy Basics.
Kivy Tutorial #19 - Adding Images and AsyncImage | Kivy Basics.
Kivy Tutorial #20 - Layouts and BoxLayout | Kivy Basics.
Kivy Tutorial #21 - Layouts and GridLayout | Kivy Basics.
Kivy Tutorial #22 - Taking Input using TextInput | Kivy Basics.
Kivy Tutorial 1 - Building Mobile Apps with Python | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 2 - Creating Labels and Text Styles | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 3 - Creating Buttons in Material Design | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 4 - Themes and Color Palettes | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 5 - User Input with Text Field | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 6 - Binding Input and Button | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 7 - Creating Dialog Boxes | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 8 - Creating Lists | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 9 - Avatar and Icon Lists | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 10 - Creating DataTable | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 11 - Creating Toolbars | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 12 - Navigation Drawer | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 13 - Content in Navigation Drawer | KivyMD.
Kivy Tutorial 14 - Changing Screens using ScreenManager | KivyMD.

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