Beyond Blinky - Developing Retro-Games for PCB Badges
Offered By: Hackaday via YouTube
Course Description
Explore advanced badge coding techniques for developing retro-style games on PCB badges with TFT screens, buttons, and sensors. Dive into the open-source framework used for the Lunar Lander badge created for DEF CON 27, and learn how to adapt it for your own conference badge projects. Follow the step-by-step process of developing a new game, including challenges faced during the Lunar Lander game creation. Discover essential concepts such as efficient software development, toolchain setup, app interface design, and optimizing performance through spin-loops and pre-calculations. Master techniques for storing bitmaps, managing displays, implementing scrolling games with camera effects, and utilizing both ESP32 cores. Gain insights into Bluetooth integration, Arduino settings, and effective use of libraries. This comprehensive guide provides valuable information for badge enthusiasts looking to take their coding skills to the next level and create engaging interactive experiences.
What are we building?
Today's talk
Software takes time - don't wait for hardware
The shell (lunarLander.ino)
The App Interface
The App.h base class: extras
Spin-loop, don't delay
Spin loop in loop()
Pre-calculate everything
Storing Bitmaps • Store greyscale images and bitmaps In PROGMEM (espressit-specific)
Defining the pins in hardware.h
Read the documentation (and the code)
Managing the Display
Scrolling Games and the Camera
Converting World to Screen coordinates
Color Map
Arduino Settings
Using both esp32 cores
Serial Port: It's not just for charging
A few more thoughts...
For More Information
thank you!
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