Building a IIe-compatible Computer with the Mega-II Chip - KansasFest 2022

Offered By: KansasFest via YouTube


Computer Hardware Courses Reverse Engineering Courses Chip Design Courses Apple IIGS Courses

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Explore the fascinating journey of building an Apple IIe-compatible computer using the Mega-II ASIC chip in this 35-minute conference talk from KansasFest 2022. Join James Lewis, known as the Bald Engineer, as he delves into his nearly two-year project of extracting the Mega-II chip from an Apple IIGS and repurposing it as a standalone Apple IIe-compatible system. Discover the differences between the Mega-II and the original Apple IIe, learn about the chip's underutilized capabilities in the IIGS, and gain insights into a potential bug in its decode logic. Witness an exciting demonstration of the Mega IIe computer booting up and running Apple IIe software, showcasing the project's success. This hardware-focused presentation offers a unique glimpse into the world of retrocomputing and the ingenuity of modern enthusiasts working with classic technology.


KansasFest 2022 26 Mega IIe - Building a IIe-compatible with the Mega-II chip - James Lewis

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