Introduction to Operating Systems
Offered By: Georgia Institute of Technology via Udacity
Course Description
Introduction to Operating Systems is a graduate-level introductory course in operating systems. This course teaches the basic operating system abstractions, mechanisms, and their implementations. The core of the course contains concurrent programming (threads and synchronization), inter process communication, and an introduction to distributed operating systems. The course is split into four sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Process and Thread Management, (3) Resource Management and Communication, and (4) Distributed Systems.
- Introduction
- Course Overview,Introduction to Operating Systems
- Process and Thread Management
- Processes and Process Management,Threads and Concurrency,Threads Case Study: PThreads,Thread Implementation Considerations,Thread Performance Considerations
- Resource Management and Communication
- Scheduling,Memory Management,Inter-Process Communication,Synchronization Constructs,I/O Management,Resource Virtualization
- Distributed Systems
- Remote Services,Distributed File Systems,Distributed Shared Memory,Data Center Technologies
Taught by
Ada Gavrilovska and Jarrod Parkes
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