Maximally Entangled Mixed States: Do They Exist?

Offered By: Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN via YouTube


Quantum Entanglement Courses Quantum Computing Courses Quantum Noise Courses Quantum Information Theory Courses Hamiltonian Dynamics Courses

Course Description


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Explore a seminar on the existence of maximally entangled mixed states in quantum information theory. Delve into the concept of maximally entangled states and their significance as the most useful states for entanglement-based applications. Examine the practical challenges of dealing with mixed states due to noise and investigate whether a notion of maximally entangled mixed states is possible under constrained mixedness. Learn about the long-standing question of maximally entangled states with fixed spectra and their preparation through Hamiltonian dynamics. Discover the solution to this problem as presented by Julio de Vicente from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid in this comprehensive 1-hour and 12-minute talk from the Quantum Information and Quantum Computing Seminars at Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN.


Julio de Vicente (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid):Maximally entangled mixed states: do they exist?

Taught by

Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN

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