Quantum Detectors and Sensors
Offered By: Purdue University via edX
Course Description
Classical detectors and sensors are ubiquitous around us from heat sensors in cars to light detectors in a camera cell phone. Leveraging advances in the theory of noise and measurement, an important paradigm of quantum metrology has emerged. Here, ultra-precision measurement devices collect maximal information from the world around us at the quantum limit. This enables a new frontier of perception that promises to impact machine learning, autonomous navigation, surveillance strategies, information processing, and communication systems.
Students in this in-depth course will learn the fundamentals about state-of-the-art quantum detectors and sensors. They will also learn about quantum noise and how it limits quantum devices. The primary goal of the course is to empower students with a critical and deep understanding of emerging applications at the quantum-classical boundary. This will allow them to adopt quantum detectors and sensors for their own endeavors.
Module 1: Quantum Noise
- Bosons vs. Fermions
- Bosonic Harmonic Oscillator
- Two-Level Atoms
- Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem
- Vacuum Fluctuations
Module 2: Quantum Detectors
- Classical Detectors
- Single Photon Avalanche Detectors
- Superconducting Detectors
- Quantum Interference
- Quantum Non-Demolition Measurement
Module 3: Quantum Sensing
- Quantum Fisher Information
- Coherent States and Squeezed States
- Quantum Interferometry
- Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond
- Quantum Phase Transition Based Sensing Detection
Taught by
Zubin Jacob, Li-Ping Yang and Leif Bauer
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