Is Europa Geologically Active? - Europa's Surface Features & Geology - Astrobiology

Offered By: GEO GIRL via YouTube


Geology Courses Astrobiology Courses Planetary Geology Courses Europa Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating geology of Europa in this 25-minute video lecture. Delve into the icy moon's surface features and their implications for potential life. Examine various geological processes, including tidal energy, ridges, cycloids, dilation bands, troughs, faults, and possible subduction. Analyze evidence supporting past and current geologic activity on Europa. Gain insights into the similarities between Europa and Earth, and understand how these features might indicate the presence of life in Europa's subsurface ocean. Discover the latest scientific findings and theories about this intriguing Jovian moon, and prepare for upcoming missions to further explore its mysteries.


video outline
The importance of geologic activity on Europa
Is Europa geologically active?
Geologic processes on Europa
Tidal energy on Europa
Geologic features on Europa
Ridges on Europa
Cycloids on Europa
Dilation bands on Europa
Troughs on Europa
Normal faults on Europa
Subduction or subsumption on Europa
strike-slip faults on Europa
Is Europa currently tectonically active?
Upcoming videos!

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