Introduction to Linkerd - Service Mesh for Kubernetes

Offered By: Rawkode Academy via YouTube


Linkerd Courses Kubernetes Courses Rust Courses Multi-task Learning (MTL) Courses Observability Courses Service Mesh Courses Canary Deployments Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fundamentals of Linkerd, a service mesh for Kubernetes, in this comprehensive tutorial. Learn how Linkerd simplifies service management by providing runtime debugging, observability, reliability, and security without code modifications. Discover the architecture of Linkerd, including its ultralight proxies and Rust-based implementation. Follow along as the instructor guides you through installation, dashboard navigation, and essential commands like 'top', 'stat', and 'tap'. Gain hands-on experience deploying a demo app, injecting Linkerd sidecars, and implementing advanced features such as fault injection, canary deployments, timeouts, retries, and mTLS. Conclude with an overview of Linkerd's multi-cluster capabilities, equipping you with the knowledge to enhance your Kubernetes infrastructure.


- Holding screen
- Introductions
- What is a service mesh?
- What are we working with?
- Installing Linkerd
- Linkerd dashboard
- Linkerd top
- Deploying the demo app
- Injecting the Linkerd sidecar
- Stat command
- Tap command
- Fault injection / TrafficSplit / Canary Deploys
- Time outs and retries
- mTLS
- Multi-cluster
- Closing

Taught by

Rawkode Academy

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