Intelligent Systems, Music, and Social Engineering - InterPlanetary Festival Day 2

Offered By: Santa Fe Institute via YouTube


Futurism Courses Artificial Intelligence Courses Social Engineering Courses Intelligent Systems Courses

Course Description


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Explore a diverse range of topics in this conference session featuring panels on intelligent systems, social and economic engineering, and visualization, along with a unique musical performance. Engage with experts as they discuss cutting-edge concepts in artificial intelligence, societal structures, and design innovation. Delve into the intricacies of intelligent systems with panelists Vanessa Ferdinand, David Krakauer, Jonah Nolan, Graham Spencer, and Kurt Squire. Experience a captivating concert by Rob Schwimmer, showcasing the ethereal sounds of the theremin and the innovative Haken Continuum. Examine the complexities of social and economic engineering with insights from Cory Doctorow, Jessica Flack, Robert Gehorsam, and D.A. Wallach. Conclude by exploring the realm of visualization and designing the impossible with industry leaders Seamus Blackley, Doug Church, Scott Ross, and Sasha Samochina.


InterPlanetary Festival Day 2 Session 2

Taught by

Santa Fe Institute


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