Mixing Time and Cutoff for One Dimensional Systems

Offered By: Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore a captivating conference talk by Hubert Lacoin titled "Mixing time and cutoff for one dimensional systems" delivered at the International Conference celebrating IMPA's 70th anniversary. Delve into advanced mathematical concepts as Lacoin, an IMPA researcher, presents his insights on one-dimensional systems. Gain exposure to cutting-edge research in mathematical physics and statistical mechanics. Learn about the significance of mixing time and cutoff phenomena in the context of these systems. Benefit from the expertise of a renowned mathematician at a prestigious event featuring international experts, including Fields Medalists. Discover the impact of IMPA's 70-year legacy in mathematical research, education, and outreach across Latin America and beyond. Access additional resources, including the event page and full conference playlist, to further expand your mathematical knowledge.


International Conference - IMPA 70 Years - Hubert Lacoin

Taught by

Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada

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