Integrability in One Dimensional Classical Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanical Models

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Integrable Models Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses String Theory Courses Mathematical Physics Courses Integrable Deformations Courses Integrable Spin-Chains Courses Non-Equilibrium Dynamics Courses

Course Description


Explore a 58-minute conference talk on integrability in one-dimensional classical non-equilibrium statistical mechanical models, presented by Tomohiro Sasamoto from Tokyo Tech. Delve into cutting-edge research as part of the "Talking Integrability: Spins, Fields, and Strings" conference held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara, CA. Gain insights into recent advances in integrable models across mathematical physics, condensed-matter physics, and string theory. Discover topics such as integrable deformations of CFTs and IQFTs, integrable spin-chains and their non-equilibrium dynamics, integrable structures on string worldsheets, and their relation to CFT structures. Benefit from a comprehensive overview of the field, suitable for integrability practitioners from various backgrounds, as the conference aims to unite researchers across disciplines and provide a pedagogical perspective on recent developments.


Integrability in one dimensional classical non-equilibrium... ▸ Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Tech)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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