Imperative Is the New Black

Offered By: React Conferences by GitNation via YouTube


Conference Talks Courses React Native Courses Imperative Programming Courses Declarative Programming Courses

Course Description


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Explore the benefits and misconceptions of imperative programming in React and React Native development through this insightful conference talk from React Amsterdam 2018. Delve into the relationship between declarative and imperative approaches, examining how imperative code underpins communication with native environments. Learn about building reusable libraries, APIs, and higher-order components while challenging common anti-patterns. Gain a deeper understanding of React's model, native modules, and the balance between declarative and imperative programming to broaden your development horizons and create more effective React applications.


imperative vs declarative
machine code
not a new thing
don't settle
setState is an anti-pattern
what is wrong
context matters
context fades
imperative is the new black
React model
Objective-C / Java
imperative abstracted away
no declarative without imperative
native escape hatch
broaden horizons
a tale of native module
shifting responsibility
basic challenges
bugs everywhere
what if it was a component?
Bonus point
native view component?
what's the point?
declarative ftw
imperative, evil?
holy grail

Taught by

React Conferences by GitNation

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