Learning JVM Languages: JVM, Java, Scala
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
Explore Java virtual machine (JVM) and the basics of imperative, object-oriented, and functional programming in Java and Scala.
1. Java Virtual Machine
- Course overview
- Why develop on JVM?
- Popular use cases
- JVM concepts and Java editions
- Other languages on JVM
- Class organization with packages
- Java Class Library
- Running JVM applications on the command line
- Eclipse IDE
- OOP in Java
- Writing Java code
- Configuring Eclipse IDE
- Creating a web service in Java
- Scala installation and REPL shell
- Functional vs. imperative programming
- Scala language syntax and rules
- OOP in Scala
- Scala standard library
- Functional programming in Scala
- Scala IDE for the Eclipse plugin
- Create an Akka project
Taught by
Vincent van der Leun
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