Securely Scaling Multi-Tenancy with VCluster, Crossplane, and Argo CD

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses Scalability Courses GitOps Courses Multi-Tenancy Courses Crossplane Courses VCluster Courses

Course Description


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Explore a conference talk that delves into advanced multi-tenancy solutions for Kubernetes environments. Learn how to overcome the limitations of RBAC and namespaces when dealing with external users by implementing virtual clusters using vCluster. Discover the benefits of higher isolation and the ability to manage cluster-level resources without versioning conflicts. Gain insights into how Codefresh's hosted GitOps platform, powered by thousands of Argo instances, achieved high tenant isolation while reducing application multi-tenancy costs. Understand the challenges of providing access to the general public and the need for security measures beyond RBAC, namespaces, and auditing. Examine the innovative approach of leveraging vCluster, Crossplane, and Argo CD to address multi-tenancy, scalability, and security concerns in a GitOps-driven manner. Witness an unprecedented scale of vCluster implementation and its impact on secure multi-tenancy in cloud-native environments.


How We Securely Scaled Multi-Tenancy with VCluster, Crossplane... Ilia Medvedev & Kostis Kapelonis

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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