Enabling Developers in a Multi-Cloud World

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Kubernetes Courses Knative Courses Cloud-Native Applications Courses Multi-Cloud Environments Courses Platform Engineering Courses Dapr Courses Crossplane Courses VCluster Courses

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Explore the challenges of multi-cloud development and learn strategies for enabling developers in this complex environment through a conference talk by Mauricio Salatino at GOTO Aarhus 2023. Discover open-source projects from the Cloud-Native space that help organizations encapsulate the complexity of using and accessing services across multiple cloud providers. Examine three key patterns - Self-Service, Multi-Cloud, and Developer Focused - that platform engineers can leverage to create user-friendly platforms adaptable to various cloud providers. Gain insights into the importance of projects like Kubernetes, Crossplane, VCluster, ArgoCD, Knative, and Dapr through live demonstrations. Understand how these tools and approaches can simplify the development process in a multi-cloud world, enabling developers to build Cloud-Native applications without mastering every service offered by AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.


Enabling Developers in a Multi-Cloud World • Mauricio Salatino • GOTO 2023

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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