How to Open Source a Project and Avoid Common Pitfalls

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Open Source Courses Software Development Courses Project Management Courses Community Building Courses OSPO Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to effectively open source a project and navigate potential pitfalls in this conference talk by David Hirsch from Dynatrace. Explore the journey from being the "Open Source Police" to becoming the "Open Source Red Carpet Service" within an organization. Discover different types of open source projects, strategies for drafting OSPO guides, and methods to contribute, create, and consume open source in ways that benefit employees, companies, and the community. Gain insights on driving innovation, improving employee satisfaction, and meeting corporate obligations while contributing to open source. Walk away with practical tips on enhancing the open source experience for both organizations and communities, covering topics such as Dynatrace's Open Source Organization, mission themes, Open Source Canvas, project types, intersource considerations, infrastructure, community engagement, and securing funding for open source initiatives.


Dynatraces Open Source Org
Dynatraces Mission
Open Source Canvas
Open Source Projects
Other Considerations
Getting Funding

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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