Growing Open Source Culture Inside Sony

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Open Source Courses Software Development Courses Community Building Courses Corporate Training Courses Embedded Linux Courses OSPO Courses

Course Description


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Explore Sony's journey in cultivating an open source culture through this conference talk by Kazumi Sato and Hiroyuki Fukuchi from Sony Group Corporation. Delve into the company's history with embedded Linux products, the challenges faced, and the development of their Open Source Program. Follow the evolution from early failures to growth phases, examining key milestones such as the establishment of OSS policies, the creation of an Open Source Program Office (OSPO), and the formation of internal communities. Learn about Sony's strategies for fostering open source adoption, including the "Software Strategy Committee," technical guidelines, training programs, and internal events like Open Source Day. Gain insights into Sony's approach to community support, contributions, and engagement with the broader open source ecosystem. Discover valuable lessons learned throughout Sony's open source journey and how they've shaped the company's culture and practices.


Embedded Linux products history of Sony
Development of Open Source Program
Dawn Phase #1 Learned from early failure
Dawn Phase #2 prepared for the next phase
Introduction Phase (2005-)
Early Growth Phase (2011-)
Growth Phase (2015-) #1
History of OSS Policy
OSPO and Internal communities
"Software Strategy Committee" Spore
OSPO Network
Technical Guideline
Internal Events: Open Source Day & Webinar
Community Support
Community Liaison & Embedded Linux Conference
Lessons learned

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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